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"Recovery, a journey to wholeness and healing...coming home to our authentic self."
Kathleen McCauley
recovery retreat leader

spirituality of recovery training

spiritual direction


Threads of Spirituality

Retreat Leader | Threads of Spirituality

     Recovery Retreats are helpful to people at all stages of recovery. Kathleen is a seasoned Recovery Retreat Leader who provides insight to the mechanics of step work, while simultaneously bridging spirituality into the steps.    Kathleen offers themed retreats to make step work and topics invigorating and relevant. 

    These retreats allow space for retreatants to explore their Higher Power and how to access this Power.

The insights and wisdom shared by Kathleen and others on the retreat, has a powerful impact on those attending; energizing their recovery and spirituality.




Staff Training: CEU Education

     This training is critical and in great demand at this time, as there seems to be a vacuum in how to bridge the mechanics of recovery with spirituality. Targeted for SUD Clinicians and/or Pastoral Professionals. The training offers professionals a broad interdisciplinary view of spirituality as a necessity in healing the woundedness of those addicted. 

     Kathleen has been invited to offer this training to Treatment Center staff and Pastoral teams, in an effort to provide staff a clarity of the need and application of spirituality and new inclusive language and imagery to discuss its relevance and application to the alcoholic/addict, in treatment and in recovery.

Cloud with Silver Lining
Friends Having Coffee

Recovery Coaching

     Having a Recovery Coach can be the best way to transition into recovery. Kathleen is a state Certified Peer Recovery Specialist with long term sobriety.  She can be available to you regularly as you navigate life as a clean and sober person. She believes in inspiring people with positive affirm-ation and encouragement.   
Spiritual Direction/Coaching

     Many people in recovery today desire to explore and expand their spiritual life. Accompanying others in the spiritual and personal exploration of what brings meaning to life, is a gift Kathleen possess. Bridging spirituality into one's recovery is critical and Kathleen gently illuminates those bridges that are available to one as they engage in Spiritual Direction/Coaching.  

"I have been called to the sidelines of the battlefield of addiction to tend to the wounded." 
Kathleen's mission statement

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